3 things that thrive at night in Hawaii

Categorized as Hawaii Activities, Hawaii Vacation Information

The Hawaiian islands are just as exciting by night as they are during the day. Once you’ve watched the sun dip into the ocean, it’s time to see what paradise looks like in the dark. Here are three things you can do to make the most of Hawaiian nights:

1. The Hawaiian Hoary Bat

The Hawaiian hoary bat, like its North American cousins, sleeps in the day and lives it up at night. Generally, these bats head out from their roosts around sunset and back before morning. They mainly live on Maui, Kauai and the Big Island, though they’ve been spotted on Oahu and Molokai as well. At night, they hunt for insects, which means these bats help keep Hawaii’s bug population under control. 

2. Hylocereus undatus

Hylocereus undatus, or as its friends would call it, the night-blooming cereus, is a fascinating plant. Though you can find it on the Hawaiian islands, it’s not a native species – it was brought to the Pacific from Mexico. The first clipping was planted on the Punahou School campus – though it started off as a small bud, you can now visit a thriving hedge there. The niftiest thing about this plant is its blooming pattern. Unlike most flowers, which bloom during the day to soak in sunlight, the night-blooming cereus’ flower starts to open in late afternoon. By the time the sun has set, white petals have started to emerge in earnest, and in short order a flower appears. By the time light starts to peek back over the horizon, however, the boom has already begun to wilt. 

3. You!

When you’re visiting Hawaii, you’ll be able to find plenty of exciting activities to do by moonlight. Whatever your nightime speed is, you’re sure to enjoy your evening escapades. Here are six nocturnal activities to inspire late nights:

Night or day, you'll find plenty to do in Hawaii. Night or day, you’ll find plenty to do in Hawaii.