Modern Waikiki – Beaches and Historic Sites

Categorized as Oahu Vacation Information

Waikiki has something for pretty much everyone with so many restaurants as well as dance clubs, shopping opportunities, parks, and also fast food. Gazing over the world famous resort area of Waikiki from my luxurious Oahu Hotel, I am amazed by the tropical beauty of the beaches and also the excitement of modern Waikiki. Waikiki… Continue reading Modern Waikiki – Beaches and Historic Sites

Hawaii’s Official State Flower and Official Island Emblems

Categorized as Kauai Vacation Information

Recently I was staying in my Princeville Vacation Rental when I noticed just outside my window was a beautiful yellow hibiscus flower. I then recalled that before there was even a Hawaii State Flower, the hibiscus was named the official flower of the Territory of Hawaii by the Legislature in 1923. They didn’t specify any… Continue reading Hawaii’s Official State Flower and Official Island Emblems

Hawaiian Statehood – How Hawaii Became Part of the United States

Categorized as Oahu Vacation Information

When I travel around the Hawaiian Islands or when I am just enjoying the scenery from the lanai of my Oahu Vacation Rental, I often appreciate the fact that even though I am in a tropical paradise I am still in the United States. This got me thinking about how Hawaii came to be a… Continue reading Hawaiian Statehood – How Hawaii Became Part of the United States