Whalers Village Museum
Maui is home to approximately 12,000 humpback whales who make the lengthy journey from Alaska to their native waters of Hawaii every winter. Attracted by the warm, calm waters, the magnificent creatures spend November through May mating, calving, and nursing their babies around the Hawaiian islands, with the majority of them choosing Maui as home. Maui has a long history with the whales, much of it concentrated in the small town of Lahaina.
Located just north of Lahaina on Maui's northwestern shore, The Whalers Museum provides a colorful description of the town's history and the relationship between the island the whales, both now and then. Lahaina used to be a bustling whaling town, and the fascinating stories told at the museum provide a unique glimpse at the lives of the whaler and the prey.
Featuring a wealth of artifacts and historical items from Lahaina's whaling days, the museum takes visitors on a journey through the dangerous and exhausting work of a whaler. A collection of writings gathered from letters and other documents provide a fascinating glimpse at the daily drudgery, thrill, and danger that was life on a whaling ship.
The museum is also home to a huge display of beautiful scrimshaw (drawings carved on whale teeth).
From the museum's bridge, visitors have a clear view of the 'Au 'Au Channel, which is one of the busiest humpback whale breeding and calving areas of the North Pacific. This protected area was named a National Marine Sanctuary by Congress in 1992, and if you visit the museum during the winter months you may catch a glimpse of whales enjoying the peace and quiet. 'Au 'Au means "take a bath" in Hawaiian, and it is an apt description of the tranquil water.
Monday - Sunday 10am to 4pm
Adult: $3, Senior: $2, Child: $1
2435 Kaanapali Pkwy, Lahaina, HI 96761
From Kahului Airport, take HI-30 S toward Lahaina. Turn left onto Ka'anapali Parkway, and then left into the Whalers Village parking lot. Parking is validated with a minimum $6 purchase at any of the Whalers Village stores (or two adult tickets at the museum).