Waikamoi Falls
This waterfall is often cruised by without a glance by tourists in a hurry. It plays in your favor to know before you go, the common name for this waterfall is "Mile 10 Falls" as it is a short walk upstream from the bridge adjacent the mile marker itself. The proper name for this little beauty is Waikamoi Falls, and it is a gem of a waterfall when it is flowing and picturesque regardless.
This small easily accessible waterfall makes for great pictures or a cooling dip depending on the time of the year and flow rate of the stream.
Kailua, Maui
Do not approach waterfalls if stream is flooding.
Waikamoi Falls is obscured from view by low-lying tree branches so it is no longer easily seen from the roadway. This is to your advantage, as there is one parking space just prior to the bridge at the 10-mile marker of the Hana Highway. You may drive far and wide around this island and not find a more intimate and sweet little waterfall
Where to start:
Once parked before the bridge. Facing upstream look for a small trail through the ginger flowers on the right. There will be several rock and cement stairs down, then the trail levels. Just 50 yards walk to the base of the emerald green pool. IF choosing to swim here, enter water carefully as it is not very deep and there are boulders under the surface of the water.
This waterfall can be very seasonal, and often dry, unless it has rained recently it may not be flowing at all. The truth is that the streams in this area are diverted into canals by an irrigation company to provide the millions of gallons of fresh water needed to grow the sugar cane. As a result the streams primary flow may not be strong enough to overflow the diversions above, usually after a day or three of rain this falls is flowing in all its' glory. There is an upper falls above the lower falls but ot is not very easy to get to and requires some climbing.
Local's Tip:
If planning to pull over here, let the cars behind you pass before you reach mile marker 10. IF you pull over in front of a chain of cars you will most likely be followed by other curious tourists spoiling your secret spot. This falls can be totally empty one minute and crowded the next so be as ninja as possible to hide your tracks.
Follow the Hana Highway east out of Kahului, driving for about 45 minutes. Look for the mile marker 10, the waterfall is at the bridge before the mile post. Trail is on the right when facing upstream on the bridge.