Hilo Farmer's Market
One of the supreme bonuses of the abundance of agricultural lands on Hawaii Island is the variety of locally grown fresh-harvested produce, flowers, and other natural products such as honey. The eastern region of the island has a large market twice a week to allow the farmers of Big Island to share their labors directly with the residents and visitors alike. An hour spent visiting the Hilo Farmer's Market can help you stock up your rentals' kitchen abundantly while being guaranteed the best fresh local produce available at a fraction of the cost of the retail stores.
Highlights: As fresh as it gets, Hilo Farmers Market is a great place to stock up on familiar and unfamiliar fruits, veggies and flowers. The Hilo Market also has prepared foods such as baked breads, and box lunches, as well as local crafts.
Options: Hilo market in downtown Hilo- Wednesday and Saturday 7 am to 6 pm
Cost: no entry cost, bring lots of small bills such as $1 and $5s and you will be the favorite of many a vendor. Some vendors, especially crafters, take charge cards these days.
The Hilo Farmers Market has been around since 1988 and it is by far one of the most bustling and well-stocked fresh weekly markets in the whole State. Vendors travel in from all regions of the island to participate, giving you the more choices and varieties of fruit and flowers. Though open air, the unpredictability of wet climate in the region requires this market to be covered by large tarps. The result is a very close and intimate feel with vendors spread out next to one another under the broad coverings. During the hot hours of the day the added bonus of the overhead shade is well appreciated, and makes this market comfortable all day long.
As is the standard rule of thumb for markets, the earlier you arrive the better the selection and varieties. Small vendors will often pack up when they run out of selections, where as the larger vendors stay as late as 6 p.m..
Bonus: A crafts market across the street from the Farmer's Market has grown to have a substantial selection of handy crafts vendors.
Local's Tip: If you see something curious, ask about it. Ask lots of questions! Seriously, this is one of the best sources for "grass roots" exploration of new foods and nutrition.
Hilo Farmers Market
Ph: 808-933-100
Email: info@hilofarmersmarket.com
Website: http://www.hilofarmersmarket.com/
Address: 330 Kamehameha Ave. at the cross street named Mamo in downtown Hilo.
Entering Hilo via HI-route 19, look for the "downtown Hilo" signs that will inevitably have you merge off of bay-front 19 onto Kamehameha Avenue. On Wednesdays and Saturdays the market is the hub of activity for this little town, so look for parking as soon as you see the colorful market. Parking can be maxed out at this location requiring patient circling, or park across the Kamehameha Avenue in the municipal parking lot next to the bus stops and walk the short distance to market.
Other Big Island Markets:
The South Kona Green Market
Website: http://www.SKGM.org
Address: 82-6160 Mamalahoa Hwy
Captain Cook, HI 96704
Phone: 808.323.3318 (for the host garden)
Puna District:
Akebono Farmers' Market
Sunday, 7 a.m. 2 p.m.
Akebono Parking Lot, Pahoa
Ph: 808-965-9205
Hamakua Coast:
Laupahoehoe Farmers' Market
Sunday, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Makai (ocean) side of Hwy 19 between mile markers 25 and 26 (next to"Minit Stop")
Ph: 808-443-1679
Kohala District:
Waikoloa Village Farmers' Market
Saturday, 7:30 a.m. 1 p.m.
Waikoloa Community Church Parking Lot
68-3625 Paniolo Ave., Waikoloa